Newark Penn Station Rehabilitation

Newark, New Jersey

Newark, New Jersey

Vincent Truncellito
(973) 491-7000

Completion Date:

Newark Penn Station

Project Description:

Lynn Drobbin has worked on projects at Newark Penn Station for over 17 years beginning in 1987 with the supervision of the construction of an FTA-funded $14 million rehabilitation and improvement program for NJ TRANSIT to meet the requirements for a certified rehabilitation under the IRS investment tax credits.  The rehabilitation included security systems, accessibility, air conditioning systems and design for concessions.  She reviewed all aspects of construction as it pertained to the significant historic elements of the station including review of marble samples, the selection and cleaning of historic marble to re-use in the station; supervision of installation of marble, new terrazzo floors, test patches for cleaning marble and aluminum etc.  LD thoroughly documented all construction for the $40 million Phase I and Phase II Improvements to meet the approval of the National Park Service.  Ms. Drobbin coordinated the project between the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), NJ TRANSIT and the National Park Service.  The result was an $11 million tax credit that passed through to Newark Penn Station Associates, the owners of the station.


Lynn Drobbin & Associates
629 Fifth Avenue, Pelham NY 10803
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